Brainy News Blog


Happy Father’s Day From Brainy Academy

“Nothing can make one so happily exhilarated or so frightened as being the caregiver of a growing child. It’s a solid lesson in the limitations of self to realize that your heart is running around inside someone else’s body” – Christopher Hitchens

Today we would like to wish happy Father’s Day not only to all of our beloved Brainy Dads, but to also commend those (moms, grandparents, siblings, etc.) who take on multiple roles in the lives of the children around them every single day.

As the kids excitedly prepared gifts for today, they shared stories amongst each other regarding their favorite things to do with the adults in their lives; yet this is not something which is unique to gift preparation or this particular day. Children have a beautifully innocent way of sharing what excites them every single day, whether that is telling us who will pick them up from class, what they ate last night, or what game they hope to play later. In working with children, we quickly learn that no detail is too small, too insignificant, or unnoticed. They teach and remind us that every person in their life functions as a teacher. Being a role model is the most powerful form of educating so we hope that today—and all other days—you remember to take a step back to spend invaluable with your kids; as this is time in which they grow, learn, and create the narratives of their lives. Although they are the authors of their stories, the supporting characters make the content. We at Brainy hope that this content is filled with laughter, joy, shared wisdom, and lots of love!


Happy Father’s Day!!!!!!




Jun 15, 2014 | Category: Uncategorized | Comments: none
