Brainy News Blog


Welcome to Brainy Academy N.Y.

If you could prepare your child today for the world of tomorrow, how would you do it? Would you teach him to solve complex problems using his own natural gifts?  Would you teach her to think logically and creatively?   Would you teach him math and physics?  Would you teach her to read early? If you could increase your child’s capacity to learn, would you?

At Brainy Academy we believe that the best way to prepare your child for the world of tomorrow is by teaching them to love learning today.  We prepare our children to think logically and to problem solve using their natural talents.  We teach them to read and learn mathematics early, well aware of studies that show those children who learn early have an advantage later on in life.  We designed a program for all those parents who know their child’s potential is limitless.  It is our goal and privilege to help your child discover the limitless potential of the human mind.

Join us on facebook and stay tuned for updates!

May 25, 2011 | Category: Brainy Academy News | Comments: none
